Exclusive to Zenith

Discover some of the finest luxury hotel deals designed to offer you an exceptional experience.


Discover enticing special offers that enhance your stay and create unforgettable experiences. From romantic getaways to rejuvenating spa retreats, and adventurous explorations of nature, our thoughtfully crafted packages are designed to cater to your desires.

Zenith Hotel Putrajaya

Book Today, Relax Tomorrow

Escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and indulge in a serene and rejuvenating getaway. Pack your bags and leave behind all your worries and stress as you embark on an adventure that will unlock your future relaxation.

Zenith Hotel Cameron

Joyous Birthday Package

Celebrate your birthday with a memorable staycation experience at Zenith Hotel Cameron.

Zenith Hotel Cameron

Romantic Getaway

Escape into the tranquillity of Zenith Hotel Cameron for a rejuvenating retreat with your partner.

Zenith Hotel Kuantan

Sweet Escape Romance

Embark on your adventure with us in our opulent suites, ideal for newlyweds. Commemorate your special moments with us as you celebrate each beloved anniversary. Delight in exceptional dining, awe-inspiring vistas, and tailored service

Zenith Hotel Testing


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Zenith Hotel Putrajaya

Hi-Tea Set

Savour the exquisite delight of either English or Malaysian Hi-Tea Set at Zenith Hotel Putrajaya.

Zenith Hotel Cameron

Malay Wedding Package

start your happily ever after by having an intimate wedding of your dreams with our Malay Wedding Package.

Zenith Hotel Cameron

Chinese Wedding Package

You can fully enjoy the happiness of your wedding reception while the team at Zenith Hotel Cameron handles everything else.

Zenith Hotel Putrajaya

Malay Wedding Package

Begin your happily ever after at Zenith Hotel Putrajaya with the intimate wedding of your dreams.

Zenith Hotel Putrajaya

Chinese Wedding Package

Bask in the joy of your wedding reception as the team at Zenith Hotel Putrajaya takes care of the rest.

Zenith Hotel Cameron

Indian Wedding Package

The Zenith Hotel Cameron provides an exceptional venue that can serve as an inspiring location for your wedding.

Zenith Hotel Kuantan

Maybank & Affin Bank Credit Card Offer

Cardholders of Maybank and Affin Bank can enjoy exclusive dining privileges and amazing savings at Zenith Hotel Kuantan.

Zenith Hotel Putrajaya

Indian Wedding Package

Zenith Hotel Putrajaya offers one-of-a-kind venue that could be the perfect location for your wedding.

Zenith Hotel Kuantan

Stay & Swing Golf Package

While on holiday, have you ever found yourself daydreaming about playing your favourite sport? Well, good news for all golf lovers! Zenith Hotel Kuantan now offers a special Stay & Swing package that allows you to enjoy a relaxing holiday while also hitting the greens. Book your getaway today!

Zenith Hotel Kuantan

High Tea Set

Elevate your afternoon experience with our exquisite High Tea Set, meticulously crafted to tantalize your taste buds and enchant your senses.

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